The super practical translation blog for clients and translators
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Recent articles
The 3 different types of translation review - and when to use them
A translation review has a simple aim - to ensure your translation is of the quality you need.
But there are three different types of review - a translator self-review, translator peer review and client review.
We explain what each involves, when you should use each one, and how best to carry them out.
With a free graphic for download.
51 types of translation you'll want to know about
The ultimate list of translation types, methods, specialisations and techniques, in 4 distinct categories.
We define and explain each type, and where necessary provide examples and tell you what you need to watch out for.
A superb reference source.
With a free graphic for download.
How to easily assess translation quality
A breakdown of what we mean by translation quality, and what constitutes a high-quality translation.
This gives us 4 simple questions we need to answer to assess the quality of any translation.
And how do we do that in practice?
With our remarkably effective 3-step translation review process (that we've been using successfully for over 20 years!).
With a video and free pdf download.
Your translation purpose: key to getting your ideal translation
There are 6 main purposes for getting a translation in business, each with rather different requirements for translation quality.
Our simple 4-step process matches those varying quality needs to the right type of translation.
The result?
You not only get the quality you need, but at the most economical price and shortest turnaround time.
With a video and free pdf download.
4 keys to better, stress-free back translation
The definitive client guide to back translation.
You'll learn:
- what back translation is and how we go about it
- what it gives you, and what it won't achieve
- what projects it's suited to, and when not to use it
- how to successfully manage your back translation projects
Includes a free 28 page e-book.
Plus two explanatory videos.
Simple steps to great multilingual dtp outcomes
A comprehensive, must-read guide for anyone involved or interested in multilingual desktop publishing.
Business clients and project managers will find all the information and practical know-how needed to successfully manage multi-language projects.
And designers will learn the problems areas for typesetting foreign language texts into an existing design - and how to overcome them.
Includes a free 33 page e-book.
The super practical guide to the 4 main methods of translation in business
We dissect the 4 main methods of translation used in business, and identify:
- the advantages and disadvantages of each
- the different quality levels each type produces
- what each method is best suited for, (and when you should and shouldn't use them).
Which is just the knowledge you need to select the right translation method for your projects, and so better manage translation cost and risk.
Includes downloadable summary infographic. Plus video.
About the PacTranz translation blog
(over 10,000 views a month)
We're your top source of useful, savvy and practical information on translation for clients and translators.
Most articles are written by Dennis Brown, PacTranz Managing Director, and veteran Spanish to English translator.

Our 3 most popular posts
The translation skills a professional translator needs (over 24,000 views) Video
The 5 step language translation process (over 39,000 views) Video
The massive list of 51 common types of translation (over 25,000 views) Video
Join our mailing list for bite-sized tips, insights and strategies that’ll help you get optimal results from your translation projects.
Once a fortnight, just 20 secs to read - invaluable! Or find out more here.
Key articles for clients
Realistic Translation Times for Human Translators
With a downloadable table of suggested time frames for clients to use. Video
4 key translation methods and when to use them
The pros and cons of machine translation (MT), MT + human editing, human translation, human translation + review. Video
The huge benefits of focusing on your translation purpose
A simple 4-step process getting you your ideal translation - every time! Video
Translating technical texts – do you need a specialist technical translator?
Two practical guidelines for deciding when a subject expert is needed.
The 3 types of translation review and when to use them
When you need each type of review, and how to do them right.
Multilingual desktop publishing - the ultimate guide
Everything clients, project managers and designers need to know to produce great multilingual materials. Free e-book
Successful back translation - the definitive client guide
Everything you need to know, do and avoid for successful back translation outcomes. Videos and free e-book.
Key articles for translators
How to write the perfect translator CV
Comprehensive 10 point guide, and the do's and don'ts. Infographic. Video
The ideal translator cover letter in 5 simple steps
What your cover e-mail needs to say to get agencies to read your CV. Infographic. video
How to create the ideal freelance translator website
Guide and checklist, key tips and mistakes to avoid. Video
13 ways to more freelance translation jobs from agencies
Unique, simple and uber-practical strategies you can implement today.
The secrets to crafting successful translation quotes
What to include (12 point checklist), how to market your expertise, free templates. Video
Translation quote follow-up – the better way
The smarter way to follow up your translation quotes (that’ll net you more work).
The freelance translator’s Fair Pay rates and income calculator
A simple, flexible tool for setting your rates, forecasting your income, and more.
5 ways to a mega freelance translator salary
Lighthearted article and infographic but with more than a grain of truth.
The super simple way to get great client testimonials
The highly effective, but very simple method we use and how you can copy it.
How to create a translation invoice that will get paid on time
9 point checklist, free templates, proven wording, astute tips. Video
The smart way to handle negative translation feedback
7 guiding principles for turning unjustified criticism of your translation to your advantage!